Bread pie

If you have problems with gluten, you are probably familiar with the fact that gluten-free diet is very expensive. Flour and bread are something that we eat almost every day. Gluten-free bread has the amazing taste and texture first day, the second day is ok, but the third day it is already too dry and it is not that tasty. Instead of throwing it in a trash, you can actually use it to make this delicious pie!

You can collect old bread for a few days, and then when you have enough, you can make a pie. Until then, collect it and keep in a dry, airy place. You can cut it in cubes and then leave to get dry. You can combine few kinds of bread, the tase of the pie will be even better.

This pie is great for breakfast with a cup of cold yogurt, but it can be also a great replacement for regular bread for lunch or dinner.

To make it, you will need:

Approximately 300g old bread (you can use also fresh bread if you don’t have the old one)
300ml milk
2 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
100ml olive or some other oil
1 tsp salt
350g ricotta cheese
2 tbsp Schär Mix B-Bread Mix flour

+ pumpkin and sesame seeds 

Place the cutted/chopped bread in a bowl and add the milk. Leave it for few minutes to rest. In other bowl whisk all other ingredients and add to the bread. Stear everything, oil the casserole and place the mixture into it. If you like, you can sprinkle it with pumpkin and sesame seeds. You can add also some other seeds that you like more. Bake approximately 20 minutes at 220ºC.

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