Tuna Steak

This is one of those recipes where you can be 105% sure they are gluten free. All the ingredients are natural, so you don’t have to worry about anything. It is good for you to eat fish at least once a week because of its omega3 and Vitamin B complex. 

First step is to make marinade. I can’t imagine sea fish without it. When you prepare the marinade, place the fish into it and leave few hours, or overnight to soak all ingredients. How you will prepare the marinade? It is simple. Mix finely chopped garlic, rosemary, parsley, lemon zest, salt and olive oil. My advice is to use fresh spices and domestic olive oil.

Place the fish in a some deep plate and spill over with marinade. Cover it with foil and place in a fridge for few hours. After that, prepare the fish on your favourite way, make some side dish and serve. I love to eat grilled fish the most, but you can bake it in oven, or fry in a pan. 


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1 Comment

  1. Zorica May 20, 2016 at 10:53 am

    pa ovo je fenomenalnooooo

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