Vegetable beef soup

Making homemade soup is easier than you think. I am a big fan of soup, and I really love to discover different combinations, but today I will talk abut simple, ordinary soup that we have here in Serbia.

When my sister and I were kids, Sunday was the day when the family had lunch together. Sunday lunch was pretty much the same in all houses in the street. The first meal was soup. You should eat everything from the plate if you wanted to get second meal which was the favourite to all of us kids – roasted chicken with potatoes and lettuce. During that time, I wasn’t a big soup lover, but I ate it. Today I can’t imagine not eating some kind of soup at least twice a week. Sometimes during the winter days, I love to drink clear soup like a cup of tea. It gives me warm and nice feeling in my stomach, I feel healthier and like I have more strength to survive cold winter days.

Some people think that if they buy a soup from a bag it will give them the same result, but I can’t agree with that. I can’t understand excuses that someone doesn’t have time to prepare real soup, and soon you will see why. I always cook more so I can eat it for two or three days. You can also refrigerate half and you will have one or two plates for the next week.


If you are preparing soup for 4 people you will need:

2l water
500g beef ribs
2 carrots
1 parsnip
1 parsley
1 piece of celery
1 onion
1 cabbage leaf
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper

Put all ingredients in a bigger pot (4l pot) and cook for a hour and a half on a low heat. After you cook the soup, leave it to cool down and then strain it. You can finely chop all the ingredients and put it back into the soup, or you can mix it and then put it in the soup. If you decide to mix everything you will get fine cream soup. You can eat it like that, or you can add some tomato sauce for tomato soup, or sour cream and squeeze some lemon (1 tbsp) for white sour soup.

Enjoy Sunday lunch and try to add this routine in your weekly plan, I’m sure you will enjoy. Prijatno!

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