Pumpkin is an amazing vegetable. It is healthy, delicious and so decorative. I am sure that you have heard about the pumpkin soup, and that some of you have tried to make it, but for those who haven’t, here is simple recipe how to make it at home.
It is 100% gluten free, like all other recipes on my blog. Besides that, it is a vegetarian too.
As you probably already know, pumpkin soup like many other soups is very practical, easy and you will need only a few ingredients to make it. The basic ingredients are garlic, onion, potato and pumpkin. You can make it without potato. The taste is almost the same. I like to add one tablespoon cheese cream or sour cream because that kind of cream makes it much lighter. Also, basil goes great with this combination, so I made this cream sauce especially for my variation of pumpkin soup.
For this special cream sauce, you will need:
– Few fresh basil leaves
– Parmesan
– 1-2 tbs olive oil
– 1tbs sour cream
– 1dcl yogurt
Mix all ingredients and add some to your pumpkin soup plate. You won’t regret it.
If you like to eat bread or some pastry with cream soups, I recommend toast bread. It goes better with this delicious, creamy, pumpkin soup.