Pork fillet

fake beefsteak 

Pork fillet, also known as the tenderloin, is the eye fillet that comes from within the loin. It’s a lazy muscle and as such is lean and very tender. This part of meat almost doesn’t have fat at all, therefore its preparation requires special treatment and patience. Pork fillet is very quick to cook but will soon dry out if overcooked.

There are bigger and smaller fillets, but some average size is about 400g. How much meat you need per meal depends on how much you can eat. 500-600g is enough for 2 people, but for those who are real lovers of meat, it may be necessary 500g per serving. A fillet can be prepared in several ways. In one piece, cutted, in the oven, in the frying pan, in the foil.. What all these recipes connect is marinade. In order to keep the meat juicy, it is necessary to put it in the marinade to stand a little bit to absorb the oil and enrich the taste of spices.


There are a million combinations for marinade. What you need to do is to simply mix the oil with your favorite spices. If you don’t have any idea what to combine, here is a brief description of my marinade.

1 tablespoon of mustard
1 spoon of honey
100ml of olive oil
pinch of salt
pinch of pepper

Mix all the ingredients and pour over the meat. Leave it in a baking pan to stand for an hour. You can leave the meat for more hours in marinade, but in this case there is no need for this, especially if it is a small peaces of meat. Make sure that it is in a cold place, in order to avoid meat to get spoiled. Before baking, add 100ml of water, cover with foil and bake for about 1 hour on a 170ºC. After an hour remove the foil, boost the oven at 210ºC and bake for another 20 minutes.

Pork fillet with avocado cream and celery salad

Meat is very difficult for digestion, so I prefer light side dishes. The combination of avocado cream and celery salad will refresh the plate in every possible way. Both dishes are very easy to prepare. All the ingredients are eaten raw, so all you need to do is chopping and mixing.


Avocado cream

1 avocado
Lemon zest and half-lemon juice
Sour cream
Pinch of sea salt

If you are a fan of feta cheese, here you can find a slightly different combination for avocado cream.

Celery salad

Half celery
70g walnuts
1 apple
1 tablespoon Aceto Balsamico

You will get avocado cream by putting all the ingredients in a blender and mix, while for salad you will need to grate the celery and apple and mix with nuts and balsmico.

pork fillet with porcini mushrooms sauce

For those who prefer to eat meat with sauces, this is definitely a better combination. Although the name may sound much more demanding than the previous one, the sauce is not so complicated to do. I use mostly dry porcini, because it not that easy to find fresh ones every time. If you choose this option, first you have to do is to dip mushrooms in a hot water and leave for 5 minutes to soften, then drain and cook.


20g of butter
1 tbsp of olive oil
1 spring onion
30g of dry porcini mushrooms
500ml of water
1/2 tsp of salt
Celery leaf
1 tbsp of sour cream
1 tbsp of Schär Bread Mix – Mix B flour

Put the oil and butter in a warm saucepan to melt, add the chopped onion and leave it to get golden. Put the drained mushrooms and fry them a little (about 2 minutes). Add about 400g of water and celery and cook for 15 minutes. Mix a spoon of flour , remaining water and sour cream in the bowl, and pour into the saucepan. Stir until the sauce begins to thicken.

In addition, you can serve roasted potatoes or bread.

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