American pancakes

This is one of 3 recipes I created for Schär‘s Farina workshops. It is a simple and very tasty recipe that you can simply make early in the morning for breakfast or for dessert. 



Yields4 Servings

 1 egg
 100 ml milk
 1 tsp baking powder
 1 tsp vanilla sugar
 1 tbsp brown sugar
 90 g Schar Farina flour
 10 ml vegetable oil


Beat egg, sugar, vanilla sugar, and milk. Add flour, oil, and baking powder to the resulting mixture and mix everything together once more.


In a heated pan, take out smaller amounts of dough with a spoon and lightly shape a circle of the desired size. Bake each side for about 2 minutes, depending on the intensity of the fire, until the pancakes get a golden color.


 1 egg
 100 ml milk
 1 tsp baking powder
 1 tsp vanilla sugar
 1 tbsp brown sugar
 90 g Schar Farina flour
 10 ml vegetable oil



Beat egg, sugar, vanilla sugar, and milk. Add flour, oil, and baking powder to the resulting mixture and mix everything together once more.


In a heated pan, take out smaller amounts of dough with a spoon and lightly shape a circle of the desired size. Bake each side for about 2 minutes, depending on the intensity of the fire, until the pancakes get a golden color.


American pancakes
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