Raspberries pie

It is autumn – a perfect time for hot pie.

At this time of the year, I usually prepare apple or pumpkin pie because these fruit is caracteristic for autumn, but this time I wanted to eat something different. Good thing is that you can put whatever fruit you like, this pie crust goes with everything!

Because it has to be baked you don’t have to use always fresh fruit, you can replace it with frozen, and there won’t be a difference. 

The best thing, beside the amazing taste, is that it is very easy and very fast recipe. In just 30 minutes you will have hot, tasty piece of pie in your plate. Let me show you how:


Pie crust:

150g ground walnuts
250g Schär Mix Pâtisserie – Mix C flour
50g honey
1tsp baking powder
50ml yogurt
150g butter


300g fresh or frozen raspberries
50g tbsp sugar
100g dark chocolate


Take a bowl and mix butter, honey and yogurt. When everything is well mixed, add walnuts, flour and baking powder. Knead all ingredients using your hands. When you get soft dough, cut it in two parts, 2/3 and 1/3. Use the bigger piece to cover your baking pan, and a smaller one set a side for later. Cut the chocolate on a small pieces and spread it with rapsberries and sugar over the dough. Cover it with the remaining dough. Bake it 20 minutes at 200ºC (392ºF).

If you try to cut it until is hot, it will be very hard to get the whole piece, because it will probably fall a part. If you can wait, leave it to cools down a bit and then serve. 

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