Figaro wafers

I haven’t eaten Figaro wafers for over 20 years. Since I started with gluten free diet, we didn’t make them. I remember the last time I ate them, it was at a neighbor’s house (when I was still eating everything). My sister who was seven at the time, and on gluten free diet since she was born, was eating taking off wafers and eating the filling inside.

20 years ago, when even doctors didn’t know how to explain the seriousness of a gluten free diet, when we didn’t know what contamination is and how small amounts of gluten could affect our body, licking ice cream in a cone, eating a filling inside the wafers, corn flour without mark, and many other products with no crossed grain symbol, were a very common mistakes. At the time, we did not have access to the internet (at least not at this level as it is today) and in some way we had denied access to the very useful information we can find today. At that time, doctors were not so informed about the gluten free diet and in some way we were left to ourselves. Today, when someone makes such mistakes, there is no excuse. Getting off gluten wafers and licking filling is a distant past, because today you can get gluten-free wafers and make this cookie in a 100% gluten-free version.

Many products that are integral parts of certain recipes are difficult to find in Serbia. Unfortunately, I was not able to find gluten free wafers here, I got them in Croatia, but I’m not sure if you can still buy it there. These are the Polish Bezgluten wafers.

If you were lucky enough to find a gluten free wafers, everything else in this recipe will look more than simple 🙂

Caramel wafers
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
30 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
15 min
Total Time
30 min
  1. 300g sugar
  2. 200g butter
  3. 200g walnuts
  4. 5 egg yolks
  5. 3 sheets of wafers
  1. Melt 200g of sugar over medium heat. While the sugar is melting, whisk the remaining sugar with the egg yolks into a foamy mass. Add the butter to the dissolved sugar and stir until the butter is dissolved, then add the egg yolk and continue stirring with the mixer over low heat for about 5 minutes. Chop nuts and toss into the caramel. Arrange the wafers, filling, wafers, filling, wafers and leave in a cool place to get tighten.
  1. It would be good to put something heavy over the cookies until it cools down so the wafers don't bend.
  2. You can also use the caramel recipe for other caramel based recipes.
Gluten Free Tea
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